Stunt Wars

The day began early morning as I left Jacksonville Florida to head south to Orlando, Stunt Wars bound.

Even though there was supposed to be a girls comp, I knew that it was a hit or miss for it actually occurring. I figured I would just wing it and headed down to Orlando anyway since it was less than three hours away. It‘s always fun to catch up with a bunch of crazy stunt riders, of and watch a few cool riders.

The comp ended up being cancelled, but the individual freestyle comp was still up and happening. With some quick encouragement from a few other riders, I said, ‘the hell with it, I’m going to jump in with the guys‘. I came to Stunt Wars to ride and that’s what I wanted to do, so I figured I’d have fun with it. I was a little thrown off by the new plan but jumped into the line.

Meanwhile, there was a small voice in the back of my mind reminding me that the guys out there riding are flat out awesome and it would be, well, interesting….

But since the women’s comp failed to prevail, I just wanted to ride.

Open practice went well throughout the morning. Then it came time to go out and do my thing… Things are going so so, wheelie here, wheelie there, and all of a sudden I high-sided on a quick turn around. My bike takes a light fall on its right side…no big deal, I’ll just pick it up and keep going, it happens all the time. But, I turn the key…nothing. Turn it again, no power. My bike is DEAD. The only thing to be heard is …………..silence.

With some help from Nick Trumpe, he and I quickly push my bike back into the pits. Along the way (my walk of shame), a generous Florida crowd claps and cheers me on as my bike lifelessly rolls on by them. Thanks to my relief, Brian Bubash and Bill D were quickly assessing the problem within minutes after I returned with my bike. It turns out I popped the ignition fuse.

Old fuse out, new one in, and once again I threw on my helmet and jacket and off I went to ride in the open practice.

Let’s just say it wasn’t the best day I‘ve ever had.…but it was certainly an interesting one to say the least! XDL Daytona and the Sartso Women‘s Cup, which begins March 9-12th, is next on my list!!

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