Where Does The Time Go!?

After XDL Daytona, things here in my world have been continuously busy. Between juggling a job, practicing, traveling here and there, and still getting things together for 2011, things have been moving quick.

In my last road trip, I made a detour north to do some riding in good ole Pennsylvania, since the snow and cold weather had finally cleared. A drive that normally should have taken 13 hours ended up a 17-hour haul, due to lovely rush hour traffic and construction in three different states. I was able to catch up with some friends and rode at some of my old spots. But I was Florida-bound once more since sun, palm trees and sand is where my happy place is.

I don’t know what it is when it comes to having solid front brakes and a sturdy front end, but something always seems to fail or not work right. Annoying spongy brakes, warped front rotors, a bad caliper, and even master cylinder was shot to hell. Most recently, I made the classic mistake of letting my hand brake pads get too low and killed yet another rear rotor. However, on a positive note, I installed all new steel braided brake lines, super cool blue I might add, thanks to H-e-lusa (www.h-e-lusa.com) and a grippy front tire thanks to Shinko Tires (www.shinkotiresusa.com). At the moment, I do have working front brakes, so that is definitely a plus and a first!

Here in Jacksonville, it’s always a Sunday Stunt Day every weekend at the local spot with the regular crew. Not only is it June already, but summer has arrived and I’m starting to feel the wrath of Florida’s heat… I learned real fast to keep an eye on my bike’s temperature and to always turn my fan on whenever I’m riding.

Lastly, my focus right now is XDL Round 3: Nashville, Tennessee.
