New Shoes! The Curve by Shift

Shift just got some of their new riding shoes into stock from their 2011 Street Catalogue. They are called the Curve. I’ve been testing them out for the past few months and found that they actually feel like a regular skateboard shoe, which is what I always used to ride in. I had no problem feeling the rear brake. The bottom of The Curve resembles a sneaker but does not wear down . I don’t have limited movement in my ankles, and it is easy for me to move around in. The Curve is comfortable and has been holding up solid. I’ve been wearing them every time I ride, rain or shine.

For stunt riding and also regular street riding, these shoes really do fit comfortably. I almost forget that I’m wearing them some days, when I come home from riding. But for stunting, they certainly do the job. No more untied laces, worn sides, or flying shoes… I don’t have to try and fit into a guys shoe. Even after being worn and beat on for a few months, The Curve is still in good shape and could easily withstand more. No more guys shoes anymore!
