Welcome to GirlClutch!!!

Clutch [kluhch]

– noun

  1. Automotive, Machinery. a control, as a pedal, for operating this mechanism.
  2. Clutch bag. a woman’s small purse that can be carried in the hand and usually has no handle or strap.

– adjective

  1. dependable in crucial situations (a clutch player)


GirlClutch was founded in 2009 to create an environment that fosters community among female riders. A sisterhood of riders, who would not only relate by talking about their bikes, but also by going on rides together, getting to know each other and realizing that we lady riders aren’t on our own.

Our rides and events are focused on the actual ride, rather than the destination and encourage the love of the freedom of the road and camaraderie of fellow women riders. The GirlClutch community has steadily grown over the last few years; originating in Southern California and spreading into Oregon, Washington and internationally to Canada!

I welcome you to join our community of lady riders to share experiences and advice on motorcycles and life in general, along with other benefits of being a part of a sisterhood that our male counterparts simply can’t provide to us women.
