DAiNESE Ladies Bike Nite – August 19th

Review of Newport Ducati’s Dainese Ladie’s Bike Night
August 19, 2010
By Theresa Asmus

Hello friends!

I had the pleasure of attending the Ladies Bike Nite last Thursday.  My good friend Herb was able to ride up with me last minute, so many props to him!  We did arrive a bit late; after all…. we were riding 100 miles up from San Diego!   We walked to the front door and notice there was a sign “Ladies only!”  We became a little nervous, but Herb did not bring his Lady wig so we improvised with his dreads 😉  Later on we found out the reason for the sign, apparently other people have crashed their party before so they wanted to keep this event legit!

There was a short presentation to introduce guest Ms. Christina Shook, author of “Chicks on Bikes!”  She went on to explain her life experiences> the best one included:  packing up all her belongings, loading it on her 1986 cruiser (don’t quote me on the year!) and heading off into the Sunset…leaving LA for good!  She never looked back – in fact – she claims the decision to leave was the *best* feeling in the world and really opened a lot of doors for her!  I highly recommend purchasing the book on Amazon…that’s right; get it on your Kindle people (or your iPad, or your Nook! 😉

By the way, Ms. Shook was kind of enough to raffle away a signed copy later of her book later in the night. Other items raffled off were: DAiNESE t-shirts, a branded Jacket, TrackDayz weekend, and a 50CC Dirtbike!  Afterwards, we drank a nice chardonnay, ate some sushi bites, and mingled with all old and new friends!  There were a few nice Ladies from LA that have ridden with us fellow San Diegans: Miss Ivonne, Miss Andrea, Miss Nancy, and Miss Li!

All in all, I had a fabulous time – and as Tom the DAiNESE Manager mentioned, they look forward to having more events in the future, and we look forward to attending them!!!!


